

November’s Bird of the Month is the American Avocet, and here is the article in the upcoming November 2018 Kite written by Clive and Celecia Pinnock.

November Bird of the Month – American Avocet

American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
by Clive and Celecia Pinnock

The American Avocet is one of the most elegant of our wading birds. Its long thin upturned bill (more upturned in the female), broad black and white patterned back and long spindly bluish-gray legs give the species a regal appearance as it sweeps its bill from side to side while foraging for tiny aquatic invertebrates on or slightly below the surface of the water. Additionally, the head and neck of breeding adults display a rust color, highlighted by white eye-rings and white at the base of the bill.

These birds inhabit shallow fresh, brackish and saltwater wetlands, including tidal mudflats, impoundments, sewage ponds, rice fields and flooded pastures. Their prey, which is typically sought in open water less than eight inches deep, consists of beetles, water boatmen, midges, brine flies, water fleas, fairy shrimp and more. As previously mentioned, the most common method of foraging is sweeping the bill from side to side (called “scything”), but the birds will also obtain prey from the water column by pecking at some on the surface or plunging for others below the surface.

Avocets nest on the shores of shallow ponds, marshes and lakes, and both adults are involved in nest selection, incubation and rearing the young. Nests are placed on bare open ground in the form of a shallow scrape and are typically close to water. If a predator approaches the nest on foot, adults perform a series of displays designed to distract the predator from the nest site. In situations where nesting is part of a loose colony made up of avocets and Black-necked Stilts, several adults will simultaneously participate in the distraction displays while running about, raising their wings and sounding alarm calls.

Photographers – please note that next month’s December bird of the month is the Eastern Kingbird.

Please check out the picture by Nancy Freeman in the November KITE cover and to see the slide show of the entire virtual gallery this month, along with photographer etc  — click on BOM SLIDE SHOW below the pictures displayed here:

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BOM SLIDE SHOW – November 2018 Bird of the Month – American Avocet


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