

Audubon Everglades Presents

The Science of Animal Behavior: why birds sing and why we study them, Part 2

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7PM
Zoom-Hosted Presentation (advance registration required)

Join us to hear Dr. Rindy Anderson speak about animal communication systems and why birdsong is an excellent model system for studying how and why animals do what they do. The March 2 presentation will be a continuation of the program Dr. Anderson presented in December 2019.

Dr. Rindy Anderson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. She has a BS in Zoology from Arizona State University, an MS in Marine Science from the University of San Diego, and a PhD in Biology from the University of Miami. After obtaining her PhD, she worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Duke University before joining the faculty at FAU. Dr. Anderson and her students study the behavioral ecology of songbirds, with a focus on social behavior, acoustic communication, and cognition. Current projects include Bachman’s Sparrows at Jonathan Dickinson State Park and Northern Cardinals in Broward County Parks.

We look forward to having you join us. Please check your email for the link to register.


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