
Audubon Everglades Presents

Paul Davis, Conservation Biologist and Shoreline Restoration expert Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute (CMAEI)

“Our Plastic Problem””

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:00PM
Zoom-Hosted Presentation (advance registration required)


Audubon Everglades invites its members to spend an evening with speaker Paul Davis. Paul’s program will describe the problem posed by Plastic debris, how CMARI became involved, and the ways that we can all contribute to solving the problem. Join us as Paul takes us on a journey of discovery into the nature of this growing problem and how we can be part of the solution.

Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced annually for use in a wide variety of applications. At least 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, and make up 80% of all marine debris from surface waters to deep-sea sediments. In the next decade, scientists estimate that the plastic waste “that slides into waterways, and ultimately oceans, will reach 22 million tons and possibly as much as 58 million tons a year.” Plastic has been detected on shorelines of all the continents and, despite the efforts of numerous volunteer groups to clean up our coastline, can be found on our local beaches. Marine species, including sea birds, ingest or are entangled by plastic debris, which causes severe injuries and deaths. Plastic pollution also threatens food safety and quality, human health, coastal tourism, and contributes to climate change.

About Paul Davis
Paul has spent over 40 years managing our local coastal ecosystems and species including 25 years at the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM). During that time, he has conducted sea turtle monitoring and research and was responsible for the local Manatee Protection Plan. He’s been involved in ecosystem and protected species initiatives and the management of reef, beach, dune, mangrove, seagrass and estuarine communities.

Paul has also been a long time Audubon Everglades Volunteer and has assisted the chapter in innumerable ways in his longtime position as our Sanctuary Chair and in his new position as the chair of our new Science Advisory Committee.

Since retiring 6 years ago as ERM Director of Coastal Restoration, Paul has been working with Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute (CMARI) as a conservation biologist and manages their Healthy Habitats and Ocean (H2O) marine debris environmental education program in Southeast Florida. The program focuses on marine debris issues and uses a mobile classroom to bring the message to schools and community events. He also coordinates monthly beach cleanups at Boynton Inlet to raise awareness.

Whenever possible Paul spends time in and on the water surfing, paddle boarding and kayaking.
Audubon Everglades is also pleased to announce that our popular series “Bird of the Month” with Clive and CiCi Pinnock will feature a new surprise bird picked by our members.

Please click the link below to register for the meeting.
Register now

1. Click Register now and you will receive a confirmation notice from Zoom with the link to join the event. You will receive a reminder notice with the meeting information from Zoom prior to the meeting.

2. The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. We invite you to sign on at 6:45 for “social time,” when you can see and chat with club members and meet our presenters. If you join earlier, you will be placed into a waiting room.

Note: If you register and find that you cannot attend, please cancel your registration. We hope to have a recording of the meeting posted to our website soon after the meeting.



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