
Monthly Membership Meeting & Lecture: “ASE Photography Club Annual Show” by Dr. Peter J. Lekos, Club President and much published and award winning photographer.

Tuesday, May 2, 7pm

Please join us at the May 2 meeting of the Audubon Society of the Everglades (ASE), where members of the new ASE Photography Club will share and discuss their nature images, many of which have won awards in various categories this season.

Dr. Lekos, Club President, and Scott Zucker, Club Treasurer, co-founded the Photography Club this past year to provide ASE members the opportunity to become better photographers, meet other people who share their passion, and support ASE’s efforts to protect birds and wildlife habitats through conservation and education.

If time permits, Dr. Lekos will share a short presentation about a Bluebird nesting box trail that he maintained as a volunteer for the Wildlife Conservation Corps of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Dr. Lekos has a BS in Biology, a BS in Pharmacology, and a Doctorate in Dental Medicine. He has been a member of camera clubs for nearly 35 years and achieved international recognition through the Photographic Society of America, where he ranked #3 in North America and #12 in the world. He is also an accomplished judge of prestigious international photography competitions.

Also at the meeting, our expert Clive Pinnock will tell us more about the May Bird of the Month: Sandhill Crane.

Doors open at 6:30 pm for light refreshments in rooms 101 and 102 at FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, 6301 Summit Blvd (near Jog Road) in West Palm Beach. Meeting is free and open to the public.



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